Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Good Morning!

It has been a busy week for our family, well mostly for me. I am currently in the last stretch of my 5th semester of NP school, 1 week to go! I would say I'm excited, but I am the type who likes to procrastinate to the last minute, so my schedule for the next week includes writing 2 papers, making a portfolio website, and studying for a cumulative exam. Sounds fun! Somehow instead of studying or writing my papers, writing on this blog sounded more appealing.

Another way for me to procrastinate this weekend was to have our friends Drew and Jenny visit from Green Bay. It is always fun to see them and we had a great time! I threatened to write some of the things discussed this weekend, but I would like to keep this blog a little more family friendly. Saturday was great as we had a babysitter who was awesome and let us stay out as long as we liked! I cannot thank them enough! We started out the night with martini's and ended the night with dancing. Lets just say I remember why I do not stay out late anymore, as Abby thought getting up at her usual time of 6:30AM was a great idea. Needless to say Sunday was a family pajama day, and we enjoyed watching movies and watching Abby walk across the room with her car.

Abby had a wonderful Valentine's Day, she was the only one to get Valentine's Day cards, one from her great Grandma Dodo, and another from a friend from daycare, both were super cute!. Andrew and I are not the biggest fans of the hallmark holiday, so we enjoyed a quiet night in complete with frozen pizza for dinner; how romantic :)

It's difficult to get a decent picture of Abby as she is always moving around, and when I bring the camera out she suddenly decides that the camera is the most interesting thing in the room and comes crawling towards it.

I also wonder sometime why we buy her toys at all. Here she is playing with her swing that she used to love to be in. Now she just wants to stand on it and push it. I used to be scared that she was going to fall and land face first on the metal bar, my solution to this was pillows. You may ask why we do not put it away. Well it is currently blocking a plant that she loves to dig in. We need to get rid of that thing, someday.

And finally here she is eating some mac 'n' cheese. She dug right into that stuff. Dexter also realized that she was not eating just veges/fruit and decided that the best place to be is right under her high chair. He was quite happy when she would throw a piece of mac 'n' cheese. If you look closely you can see his eyes looking up at her; hoping that another piece of mac n cheese will fall. 

Well that has been our week. I guess I should get back to studying and writing papers, but maybe first I'll watch some Kathy Lee and Hoda to catch up on my news for the day. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Debut.

The Debut.

Here it is...my first blog post, so I'll start at the beginning. We are a family of 4, yes 4, I included Dexter, because unlike some people have told me that once you have a kid the dog becomes "just the dog." Dexter never became "just the dog." Sure he is a little less spoiled now, but he still gets his walks, his raw-hides  and he still gets to sleep in the bed. He was my first "child." So yes, there are 4 of us, Andrew, me (Steph), Abby, and Dexter.

This blog is intended to update our family and friends, since we live so far away in Minnesota, and so I do not have to bombard Facebook with updates of Abby, which I understand most people do not really want to look at in their news feed. So I figured, only a few pictures on Facebook, more on here. Makes sense. You can choose to read it or not.

So, I told Andrew my plan of starting a blog, his response "Really? And how do you think your going to have the time for that?" My response was oh I'll find time. I can find time to do just about anything, baby time,homework, cleaning, baking, more homework, baby time, blog stalking, facebooking, more baby time, interneting, more homework, and probably more interneting, yup that's pretty much my day. So you see most of my time is spent with the baby, doing homework, and interneting (which mainly includes stalking people through blogs and facebook, and Imgur; I could spend hours on that website). I figured a blog would not take much of my time up interneting and I'm sure our family will love the Abby updates. I guess we will see how good I am at keeping this up.
So Abby. She really is a wonder. I now get how people say that their children are really the best things that have ever happened to them. She makes me smile every day. I love watching her learn new things and love watching her personality emerge. She sure is spunky for her size. She is 8 1/2 months old and already she walks around the coffee table, holding on of course and only stepping to her right. She is starting to get a little more courageous and takes her hand off the table and wiggles around, only to realize that she is not quite as stable and quickly puts her hand back on the table. Although not related to her walking here she is eating her veges tonight.

She is still not the biggest fan of vegetables, but you give her a piece of fruit and she gets excited. Almost as excited as when you give her some of those Gerber Puffs. I get why people call them "baby crack," you shake that canister and she comes crawling as fast as she can.

So there we go, my first blog post. I hope I can keep this up. I am also very excited for this weekend to see Jenny and Drew, but mostly so I can wear this :)