Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Holy F*%^, this S*#% just got real!

Its been awhile since my last post. Since I am sitting here watching Extreme Weight Loss and eating ice cream, I figured I should be a little more productive, than just sitting on the couch getting rounder. At least I am typing now, I have to be burning some calories. August was busy, busy, busy, and of course I did not take many pictures to sum it up, so you will have listen to my rambling on. I'll try to keep it to a minimum.

The beginning of August we attended my brother's annual El' Norte party up at our cabin which also includes the Beer Olympics which is held on Saturday. Someone consumed one too many drinks the night before and so what not at the top of her game for the Beer Olympics, but somehow my wonderful husband was able to make up for my lack of performance and bring the win home with the Delvaux's. I'm so excited that he won and that I get to listen to this for the rest of year!!! Can you sense the sarcasm?!? Anyways, we had a great time, and Abby had a great weekend with Grandma.

The crew for this year...and of course I stole this picture from someone as I did not bring my camera. 

The following weekend was spent in Chicago for the wedding of Andrew's college roommate. Once again I did not bring my camera, but the wedding was beautiful and we had a great time! We also were able to make it out after the wedding and get to a bar that supports the United States Curling Team....ummm can you say awesome!!! It was, I assure you. Unfortunately we were the only ones at this bar, so I suggest you all get there soon to show your support for the team!!

Turns out I did take a picture with my phone. That is Andrew bustin' a move on the dance floor to the YMCA. He's wearing the policeman's hat.

I think that concluded our mess of a summer through mid-August. For the first part of summer we were gone 6 out of the 7 weekends, we were all sick of traveling, and were ready for a weekend to ourselves!! I was able to pick up a shift at work. Seriously though, even that was tough. A 12 hour night shift on Saturday, with Sunday to recover and then back to clinical on Monday morning = not a happy wife or mom. I think I will stick to the 8 hour PM shifts, if I can manage to pick up some hours at work. I'm pretty sure I had to write a paper that weekend as well. Anyways, the next weekend we spent at the fair. I was pretty excited to take Abby and show her all the animals, which she LOVED!!! She is getting pretty good at her animal sounds and it was adorable to see her point at the animals, take her nook out and make the animal noise. (And yes, she still has a nook, I pick my battles). She also enjoyed her first corn dog, which she inhaled, as well as some Sweet Martha's cookies which she proceeded to throw on the ground. What a waste of a cookie. I did not give her more, girl does not have a sweet tooth. The following pictures should sum up the fair. Oh and if your wondering, yes we did wear matching shirts for Andrew's work, I was a little skeptical of it, but we got "spotted" at the fair and got a $25 gift card to a restaurant....completely worth it.

And look what Abby learned to do recently...yes that it right, she is now a pro at climbing up on tables and chairs. She has had a couple tumbles off, but hey, if she thinks she is big enough to get up on a chair on her own, then she is big enough to get down on her own...tough love. 

Abby also found herself on the 10 o'clock news one night. Her awesome parent's decided to send in a "good question" that got picked to be answered on the news. Here was our question, "why does tomato sauce stain Tupperware?" I know it was a good question!! Abby got on the news with a picture of her shoving her face full of ravioli. Here is the link to the segment: (its short)

We also had a great Labor Day weekend, full of birthday parties, more fairs, and family. Once again, I did not bring my camera, so there will be no pictures to follow, but I assure fun was had.

You may be wondering why I titled this post "Holy F*%^, this S*#% just got real," well it's because I spent the day applying for my first NP position. I in no way expect to get this job, but it is just surreal that 2 1/2 years of school just flew by and I will be graduating in 5 short weeks. I think that deserves a "Holy F*%^, this S*#% just got real!" And to top it off we also just booked our trip to JAMAICA!!!!!! This will be a well deserved vacation once the craziness settles!!!!!