Sunday, March 23, 2014


Sick, sick, sick. Poor Abby just cannot catch a break. In the past month we have dealt with a high fever for 5 days straight, a stomach bug, and now another ear infection. I'm actually pretty sure that her poor little body is just used to her running a 102 fever, because it does not seem to bother her much anymore. So, we are on another round of antibiotics for her ear infection. Hopefully it clears up before we head off to San Diego this Thursday, so she can enjoy seeing all the animals at the San Diego zoo. 

In preparation for our 4 hour flight, I hit up the dollar store and have prepared a whole mass of new toys to keep her distracted on the plane, so she isn't such a nuisance to other passengers. I am hoping this will work, as well as letting her run all around the airport prior to our departure, so she gets worn out and sleeps the entire way. I either see the plane ride going really well, or being the worst 4 hours of my life. Lucky for us Andrew got on the same flight back, so at least there will be 2 of us. 

I meandered my way down Coastal Seafood the other day to pick up some salmon and tuna for sushi when I was suckered into buying some fresh oysters too. (Alright I wasn't suckered into it, I love eating raw oysters and the price was right.)  I brought 6 oysters home, with absolutely no clue on how to shuck them. After Andrew got home from work, we quickly Googled a video on how to shuck oysters, and then found the sturdiest knife in our house and got to shucking. It wasn't actually that difficult once you got the hang of it. As I was shucking the last oyster and got it open, I saw a black/pink round looking thing inside. I thought I had struck gold and found myself a black pearl!!!! (I am actually pretty sure Blue Oysters don't have pearls, but you never know.) Anyways, I took out my treasured black thing and put it on the cutting boards. It had legs....pearls don't have legs....It looked exactly like this....DISGUSTING.

We quickly Googled this disgusting looking creature as I was positive that my oysters were ruined. Turns out these pea crabs are actually quite common in oysters and considered a delicacy. I, however, did not see them as such and squished it with a knife and threw it down the garbage disposable. I was, at least, happy to know that my oysters weren't ruined and tasted delicious!!!

Since Abby has been sick most of this month, we have spent most of the time at home. She has been working on learning her colors. Most days everything is green. She has also learned to count to 3. She loves counting and then saying go and running across the living room. She also LOVES bubbles!!!

Bubbles in the bath.

Shamrock shake time!
She took her own shirt "off." She was pretty proud of herself. 
Blowing bubbles!

Anyways, wish us luck on our travels to San Diego with a sassy toddler! I'm sure I'll have a whole bunch of pictures to share when we return!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Daddy's Girl

Well it happened...someone turned into a Daddy's girl. Abby loves being around her dad. All I hear now is "daddy up," or "my daddy,"or just "daddy, daddy, daddy."  Its a little annoying....and maybe a little cute. Besides being a daddy's girl we have also been working on the potty. She is cognizant of when she has to poop, but doesn't always tell us. She also loves to kick us out of the bathroom when she is sitting on her potty, and slams the door on us. I also think that she just uses the potty as a reason to be able to run around with no pants on. Following are some pictures from this past February, I think there was one day when it was warm enough to go outside, and by warm I mean it was above 0, so most of our time has been spent inside.

Coloring on her new easel. She is a great scribbler. 

Putting in contacts with Dad in the morning. 

She also likes to run around with no shirt on.

Watching the bunny outside.

The bunnies just taunt Dexter from the window.
It's above 0!! Lets pay outside!

She cries if because she can't get her shoe on, and she cries because
she doesn't want you to help her. No-one wins. 

Dexter has a boo boo.

Feeding Dexter some breakfast eggs.
 I actually looked forward to Valentine's Day this year, and I'm pretty sure that was a first. Andrew and I still don't "celebrate" Valentine's Day, well really because I think it's overrated for couples and I would much rather get flowers some other random day. That being said, I loved spending and making Valentine's Day cards with Abby to pass out at daycare. We made special heart stamps to paint on cards and then finished off the cards by attaching a small bag of pink and red M&M's. I also made sure that everyday that week Abby wore something with hearts on it. It turned out to be a super cute week and we had a great Valentine's Day. Andrew even brought me home a $7 bottle of wine and bought himself a $30 bottle of Jack for the special day. 

It has been ridiculously cold this winter, which has prohibited us from being outside too much. So this past February has been spent mostly indoors and pretty low key. We finished up swimming lessons which Abby loved, and I see us repeating that class. We also spent this past weekend at the Science Museum which is pretty awesome. We walked through the new dinosaur exhibit and Abby spent most of her time trying to find any button throughout the museum to push. I see many trips back to the science museum and lots of learning opportunities!

Swimming Class with Daddy

Going all the way under and loving it!!

Science Museum

Playing with viruses and talking on the phone. 

Andrew learning how the heart works. 

What the vision of a 1 month old is like.

She was confused as to why it would not move.

I finally started my new job as a NP at the beginning of February. It's challenging, but the people I work with are super supportive and I think that I will love it there. Its also nice to work normal hours and not have to be trying to switch my sleeping schedule all around from working nights. Well that has been our February. On to March, although with subzero temperatures and 50+ inches of snow outside it doesn't look like Spring is coming anytime soon.