Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Abby's 2!!

It's crazy to think that we have a 2 year old on our hands. This 2 year has come complete with tantrums, crying over things like being told that "no, you cannot wash your hands in the sink for 10 minutes straight with the water on high" or "yes, you do need to put on clothes to go outside." But along with the tantrums comes many hugs and kisses. It is so fun to watch this little person grow up right in front of us and makes thinking about having another one even more exciting.

May 29th marked Abby's official 2nd Birthday. We decided that the weekend before her birthday was a perfect time to get family together to celebrate. It was a fun weekend, so I'll summarize in pictures. 

Helping Grandma water the garden.

Inspecting her "meowing" kitty cat card from Uncle Clint and Aunt Becca

Trying on her new helmet for her new tricycle! 

Inspecting the new ride (we had actually let her try it out when I first got it and she had stuck a cracker in the bucket in back, which someone forgot to take out) 
Taking a ride (she still cannot pedal it on her own)

Where are all my presents?? 

Bubble lawnmower, they both needed to play with this, at the same time, which then turned into tears.

Feeding her babies in their new highchair. 

I'm not sure where she gets her flexibility from.

Bath time, jammies, and then watching a movie together. 

The fire was bright, so she insisted on wearing her sunglasses

Smore time!

Andrew make FIRE!!
 This is Abby's actual birthday. I once again got a cupcake from Nadia's for Abby, which was delicious. She enjoyed it and ate it all but the frosting. 

Trying to take a swing. 

Our summer is busy as usual but we did manage to find some time to take Abby to her first Brewer game. We had hoped that we would make it to one in Milwaukee, but were unsure if this would happen, so we settled on taking her to the Brewer/Twin game here in Minneapolis. Abby made it 6 innings which I was very surprised about. By the time she got strapped into her car seat she was fast asleep so I would say it was a successful trip to the ballpark. 
First ballpark dog

Why eat the bread when you can just eat the hotdog?

Watching the game...I'm sure this lasted about 5 second before she started climbing on the chairs again.

Enjoying some ice-cream.

Always has to have her finger up her nose:)

Well that about sums up May and early June. We are now into July and lets just say our last week of June was pretty fun, filled with an adventures to the horse track, 30th birthday parties, bacheolorette parties, and a whole week up at the lake. But I'll save those stories for next time.